Summer Maintenance
FACT: Summer weather can be just as hard on your vehicle as in the winter. Fortunately, you can keep your vehicle in tip-top shape with routine maintenance and inspections. Here’s everything you need to check before the heat of summer arrives.

Oil Spraying
Rust reduces your vehicles longevity, and so it’s vital to take steps to prevent rust from starting! Undercoating is one of the most important things you can do to prevent rust and ultimately extend the life of your vehicle!

The Importance of Spring Maintenance
The days are getting longer and warmer, the ground is coming back to life and we seem to defrost along with nature, spending more time outside. That usually includes more time in the car; either on road trips or on more trips to the Garden Section of our favourite local store.

Keep Kicking those Tires
Tires are an important part of your vehicle. They’re the only thing between you and the road. Ensuring your tires are properly maintained will keep you safe and save you money. Easy Tire Maintenance Tips The following simple tips not only extend the life of your tires, but also help increase fuel efficiency, driving performance […]

Oil Changes 101
Everyone knows they need to change their engine oil regularly. But do you understand what happens if you fail to do so? Let’s break it down this way.